New 20-foot container
Container transportation is considered to be the most reliable. It is fulfilled using standardized tare, called container, guaranteeing the safety of goods in transit. Worldwide containers are classified by length, expressed in feet. The largest category is 20 feet with the following characteristics:

- • External dimensions in mm –length 6096; width 2370; height 2591;
- • Net volume is about 33 m3;
- • Tare– 2080 kg;
- • Working load – 2080 kg.
Container sizes may vary slightly from different manufacturers and depending on design features and their purpose. Our company sells new 6-metre containers that with no restrictions can be applied to any multimodal transport worldwide.
It is possible to sale new railway 20-foot containers of any series on request:
- • HC, HQ – with increased height for 1 foot;
- • PW–having a slightly greater width to fill euro palette;
- • RE, RT, RS – is equipped with a refrigeration unit to maintain the required temperature inside mode;
- • VH – vented for general purpose;
- • UT – without ceiling and with a removable canvas (OT) or metallic (HT) at the top;
- • TN, TG, TD – tied to the outside dimensions of the tank, fully compatible for mounting with containers.
New 20-foot container for diesel generator
It is almost not possible to buy a new 20-foot container cheaply. Its cost is determined by the quality of the used steel, the cost for machining and applying a multilayer protective coating. The average values of these indicators steady; and sharp decline in value is possible in case of violation of manufacturing technology.

Frequently containers of 20 feet are bought for new diesel generator, pump station, or to accommodate various technological equipment. The buyer gets a very reliable design, allowing transportation by any means of transport, ready for operation after delivery to the site. Equipment is protected from interference in work by unauthorized persons and any external influences.