Movement Towards Visa-Free Regime with EU Is Slow, Medvedev Said

2024-11-26 (23:03)

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has said he’s frustrated with the slow pace ...


Port of Antwerp Experiences Slight Decline in Freight Volumes

2024-04-28 (22:59)

The port of Antwerp handled 138,905,003 tonnes of freight during the first nine months...


Container Cargo Turnover at Latvian Ports Increased by 23.8% in January-September

2024-12-26 (23:28)

Container cargo turnover at Latvian ports grew by 23.8% in the fir...


Intermodal transportation service

For providing a comfortable delivery of loads to the door of the consignee's premises our company offers a highly convenient intermodal transportation service.

The main advantage of intermodal transportations is the fact that loads can be delivered everywhere with a help a combined delivery by sea, air, railroad or motorway.

If you order an intermodal delivery you won't spend your time taking your goods from sea terminals, railroad and air stations — all you need is to open the door of your house for our transporters to get the loads they have delivered.

During an intermodal transportation process loads are usually transshipped to different means of transportation. For making the process of transshipment fast, secure and econofical we use standard containers for loads. Thanks to their standard size they can be easily transshipped from one transportation means to another without any interferences with the load itself. Besides, it helps to avoid additional expenses for reloading.

Profetrans intermodal transportation service is a secure and fast way to receive your loads right in front of your house door!

Intermodal transportation service | | |
ул. Дербеневская набережная 13 0 Россия, Москва
тел. +7(495)181 35 95 Intermodal transportation service
| //profetrans.ru/templates/proftrans/images/logo.png | Multimodal service | service, transportation, intermodal