Movement Towards Visa-Free Regime with EU Is Slow, Medvedev Said

2024-11-26 (23:03)

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has said he’s frustrated with the slow pace ...


Port of Antwerp Experiences Slight Decline in Freight Volumes

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Container Cargo Turnover at Latvian Ports Increased by 23.8% in January-September

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Container cargo turnover at Latvian ports grew by 23.8% in the fir...


Freight transportation by rail. Shipping of railway goods by wagons and containers across Russia.

Profetrans has a lot of experience in railroad transportations. We offer various kinds of railroad transportations including the delivery of loads. Railroad deliveries of goods are considered the most economic and convenient way of transporting goods for long distances.

Specificity of railroad transportations

Wagon/day: 17$
Container/day: 1.2$
Tariff: free

Profetrans carries out railroad transportations of different kinds: by covered wagons, platforms and gondola cars. It allows us to transport any types of loads including bulk, various technics and equipment.

Russia railway

Depending on the distance we can transport your goods by direct or mixed communication lines that can include the other types of transport.

Delivery of goods to the railway stations is implemented by the resources of our company using special means of transportation. For uploading of goods we use hi-end equipment and vehicles. It significantly raises the speed of delivery and made it more cost-effective for our clients.

cargo containers

You can order our transportations in any place of Russia the country and CIS. Every stage of transportation chain is thoroughly controlled by our specialists, consecuently, our clients can in any time get the needed information about the transportation progress and the current location of their loads including the number of a rolling stock, a wagon or a current station name.

Our transportation services include wide range of organizational activities — preparing the route, choosing a rolling stock, developing of uploading-unloading plan, expediting, delivering the goods from a railway station to the consignee's door and a complete informational support with all the data about the transported goods.

Railway | | |
ул. Дербеневская набережная 13 0 Россия, Москва
тел. +7(495)181 35 95 Railway
| //profetrans.ru/templates/proftrans/images/logo.png | When delivering goods by rail, we also take into account the available fleet of wagons and containers. The selection of vehicles and rolling stock is also carried out from an economic point of view. Some cargo can be shipped on a platform, instead of a gondola car. Some goods can be loaded into containers, which will further reduce the cost of delivery in Russia. Transportation of goods by railway is the most reliable shipment. | Railway transportation in Russia, railway shipments of goods, railway wagons, dispatch of gondola cars, dispatch on railway platforms, container railway transportation, railway cargo transportation, oversized cargo by railway, railway communication, railway transport, railway composition, railway route, Russian railway