Movement Towards Visa-Free Regime with EU Is Slow, Medvedev Said

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Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has said he’s frustrated with the slow pace ...


Port of Antwerp Experiences Slight Decline in Freight Volumes

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The port of Antwerp handled 138,905,003 tonnes of freight during the first nine months...


Container Cargo Turnover at Latvian Ports Increased by 23.8% in January-September

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Container cargo turnover at Latvian ports grew by 23.8% in the fir...


New and used containers. Accounting of the condition of railway and sea cargo and warehouse containers. Repair of rental dry cargo and refueling containers of 20 and 40 feet.

MAINTENANCE of marine boxes ref

All the equipment as people has its own age. And with an age it acquires different defects. Some of them are easily seen, some one can hardly see with an unaided eye. But the fact is seen clearly – the equipment loses its functionality with an age. And the container holder faces the choice: to buy a new one or to repair an old item. The selection of a way out depends on a particular situation. The choice is influenced by many factors including a current container condition and the reasons why it is going to be repaired, modified or changed.

Planned: 15$
Annual: 200$
Stock plan: 2 500$

Assessment of the condition of containers depending on their purpose.

In any case the help of the skilled professionals will make such choice much easier. They can attentively hear you out and help you to choose the best decision available in your individual situation.

keep for new containers

In most cases making the repair is cheaper than buying a new item and new model is usually bought when it's impossible to fix or modernize an old one. E.g., you can hardly do something with your old friend when you need an item made from completely different base material.

Profetrans offers the services of regular monitoring your container's condition and container technical repair. We guarantee an accurate estimation, high-quality repair and modernization of your containers. All the works are carried out by skilled experts.

Condition monitoring and technical repair | | |
ул. Дербеневская набережная 13 0 Россия, Москва
тел. +7(495)181 35 95 Condition monitoring and  technical repair
| //profetrans.ru/templates/proftrans/images/logo.png | Even new containers, not to mention used ones, are subject to technical maintenance of their condition. REF The container should be inspected more often than standard dry storage railway and marine containers of 20 ft and 40 ft. This is due to the fact that the ref installation should work smoothly. It is also a good idea to evaluate each cargo and storage container before buying it. The appearance of a new or used container does not mean that the container is perfect, or, conversely, has defects related to its limited use for storage or transportation. Only a specialist will be able to evaluate the container for its technical feasibility of further operation. | inspection of a 20-foot container, MAINTENANCE on sea containers, ref container maintenance, railway container inspection, 40-foot condition accounting, warehouse accounting of cargo boxes, used containers with repairs, the price of repairing a new container