Terms of using containers while rent
Lease of containers – is one of professional directions in a list of services in Profetrans company. We lease out containers of any type, for different time periods. A juridical person or a private person can rent a container here, in case he is agree with our requirements, demanded to the conditions of transport equipment usage.
Terms of using containers
The renter must use rent container strictly as intended and also taking in account technical standards, set concerning containers of a certain type. Also the renter should not allow use of containers for goods storage, not intented for this type, and also the rented containers should not be overloaded, above the limited cargo capacity.
Besides, use of containers should be accompanied by repairing for failure remove, emerged by the fault of the renter.
For keeping service rules of containers the renter must spend an appropriate instruction among his employees, who will be allowed to work with the equipment.
Underlease of the rented container is allowed only after agreement with Proftrans company.