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Deadlines for customs clearance of cargo. Pre-release.

customs clearance on time

Customs clearance consists of a series of procedures with the declared goods for them to pass the customs.

Customs clearance should start not later than in 30 minutes since a customs official agrees to start customs clearance procedure with the declared goods. Before that the declarator should file a goods declaration, filled in accordance with all the norms and conditions of a local customs, to a customs official.

The time period during which a customs official should issue an agreement or, if there are some problems with the goods, ban the goods, shouldn't be more than 2 working days since the process of customs clearance have been started. In special cases the goods registration can be delayed for 10 working days.

Pre-submission: 1 hour
Combined shipping: 1 day
With an inspection: 3 days

Stages of customs clearance of goods:

1) Receiving, checking and registration of a customs declaration;

2) Control of HCDCS code definition according to the norms and regulations of HCDCS codes taking into consideration the country of the goods origin.

3) Customs value control and currency control;

free release of goods

4) Control and accounting of the customs payments;

5) Goods inspection and customs output.

Profetrans will take care of your loads' documentation to be properly prepared and filled. We will get your goods through the customs for the minimum time and with a maximum profit.

Customs clearance time-frame. | | |
ул. Дербеневская набережная 13 0 Россия, Москва
тел. +7(495)181 35 95 Customs clearance time-frame.
| //profetrans.ru/templates/proftrans/images/logo.png | The term of customs clearance of goods depends both on the loyalty of subjects to the clearance of cargo documents, and on the declared customs value of the goods, and on possible inspections, etc. Thus, it is impossible to predict the exact time of customs clearance in advance. But it is quite realistic to do everything to ensure that the cargo passes through all stages of customs clearance without delay! As we described in other paragraphs, if all the documents are drawn up correctly, the cargo absolutely corresponds in its qualities and weight and quantity to that stated in the customs cargo declaration, then even when sending the cargo for customs inspection, you should not worry too much about the timing, the customs clearance procedure will not take more than 3 days. Pre-cleaning is possible. To comply with all the conditions imposed by the customs service, contact us to coordinate all actions for brokerage support. | terms of customs clearance, cargo customs clearance, terms of customs clearance of goods, terms of cargo clearance at customs, time of customs clearance of goods, preliminary customs clearance of goods, stages of customs clearance, TD, customs declaration, customs control, customs value of cargo, cargo customs documents, registration of GTE, registration of customs declaration, customs declaration, code HS