How to choose suitable container?
During the process of a container's choice it's important to pay attention to its future purpose and the peculiarities of the environment in which it is supposed to be used. Standard thermal insulation of a metal container will be enough if the ambient temperature is not lower than 25 0C. If the container will be used in North climate or in any other conditions where the temperature can drop lower than 25 0C thermal insulation should be enhanced. Such an enhancement can be made with a use of cold-resisting finishing or by the other means. Of course, it will entail additional expenses. But if container is used as a living space such measures will preserve people's health. And it will preserve the quality of loads which need special temperature conditions. So such the expenses will be quickly compensated.
Choosing a container it's also important to pay attention to its size. If the container is acquired for transportation of small loads, for keeping the production wastes or storing documents and papers it is enough to buy a small 20-feet container. If the container is going to be used for transportation of bulk and huge loads or for storing such loads it's better to buy more spacious 40-feet container.
Profetrans will consult you on choosing the suitable kind of a container and will help you to choose the optimal variant according to your individual requirements.