Good quality or good price?
In choice of a container two factors have the immense significance. These are the price and the quality. The factor of price often wins the competition. It sometimes results in disappointment with the container's security and convenience characteristics. So saving money on quality can be very unfrugal. But an overpayment for the container's qualities and properties that won't be of a use is also unreasonable.
If the container is acquired for transportation of loads, it will be a good idea to consider the properties of loads that are planned to transport. Perishable products and many foods require special temperature conditions during transportation so it's better choose more expensive container equipped with a system of climate control or refrigeration for providing the required transportation conditions. If you are going to transport scrap metal or plastic loads, which are highly resistant to atmospheric influences you can choose a cheaper model.
If container is bought for using as a storage you can save on its finishing and invest saved money in its size. If it will be used as a living space you can save on its size and put some money to its equipment.
Profetrans will gladly help you to find the golden mean in the question of price/quality during container purchases.