Your needs
Profetrans company has all the required personnel and equipment for container modernization according to your individual needs.
You can use our services if you are going to equip the container with special facilities and make a compact dwelling out of it. The dwelling that will draw a visitor's attention by its outer appearance and its inner decorations.
For an aesthetic finishing of container sides we use wood, steel and plastic finishings. Variety of patterns and colors of finishing materials can satisfy even the most demanding tastes.
Besides finishing we perform the installation of equipment for providing comfort living. With our help you can equip your container with the system of developed venting, climate control system, video surveillance system and many other.
Container's shape can also be changed. It can be widened, the roof can be deleted or remade and the floor can also be modernized. We can also equip the container with windows and doors of any type.
In a process of container modernization you are deep down limited only by your own imagination. What about Profetrans, we are always ready to realize even the most daring design concepts!